I learned through the documentary Mickey Mouse Monopoly, how Disney hides racist implications through innocent fairytale stories and its characters which, impact children’s minds to associate individuals in their community with characters from the films based off their characteristics. We see how Disney’s message of pro-racism is transmitted through their movie, for example The Lion King, and how it directly impact the children who watch these films into having the same Disney racist mentality. Its a monkey see monkey do technique, Disney movies present kids racism, kids will grow up having a racist mentality. In the documentary, a mother talks about the effect Disney fairytale stories had on her little close friend's daughter. The little girl began associating hyenas from The Lion King with African American children in her playground. She explains how her friends daughter heard black children playing in the carousel at a park and how the voices and behavior of the children seamed nearly identical to the one of the hyenas from the Lion King. Due to the similar characteristics the children in the playground had with the hyenas from the film, her daughter linked the little black children to be bad and evil like the hyenas, resulting in her daughters’ decision to not play with them. The fact that Disney uses African American voices to portray evil characters in film such as the Lion King, brainwashes the young children who watch these films into viewing people of the same voice, race, and body language to be evil.
Ursula is the sea which from the animated Disney film The Little Mermaid. She is a Disney villain who is of color, fat, big lipped, and unattractive. This depicts to children that people who apparent to have similar features as Ursula to be villains in the real world.
The video Tough Guise, give us key characteristics “real men” are suppose to have in order to be accepted in todays society. The video provides us with an interview conducted on teenage boys in which they were asked to identify qualities real men poses, they answer as followed: physical, intimidating, independent, tough, strong, powerful, in control, respected, hard, a stud, muscular, just to state a few. This video does a really good job at capturing the power society has over its male individuals and their right to express themselves freely. Society without having to put forth any effort has the ability to deprive individuals in the society who are different than what “real men” are expected to be like. Society also has a great deal of influence the the ideal of what “real men” should behave, talk, and be like. It is an widely accepted concept that regardless of age and race, has remained the same.
The photos above illustrates how the physical expectation for men have not change over time. Ideal real men in society are seen to be muscular, well groomed, and to preform male duties.
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